Wednesday, October 21, 2015

ZWD: Inside Chapter 16

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Enter a bunch of kids, I had in mind that there would be a group of kids who had learned from video games and movies how to move with military precision. They may not have it accurate but they were making their version work with each member of the team knowing their task. 'Course the kid with the cigarette was the old salty dog Sargent of the group.

 I liked the contrast between them and our heroes, both had been living this world for the same amount of time and yet the adults were the ones who had not adopted to the new way of things where the kids had adopted and overcame. They were moving without fear of zombies through the streets cans tied behind them daring the zombies to come out and make some trouble. If you remember in the first chapter our couple were afraid of noise. I just loved the idea that they kids were better at this survival thing than the adults were.

Potato Cannon with compressor. 
Potato weapons are awesome. I had happened upon a video where some guys had made some and were shooting them for incredible distances. There are tons of how to build these things videos out there on the web along with diagrams and a ton of other modifications you can do to make them more powerful and more accurate.  And they shoot more than potatoes. There are also potato pistols that can be made but they basically shoot just little slivers of potato at you and can basically do no damage. In the book I have them making potato pistols but my thinking was if you have a cannon and it shoots a potato with deadly force at close range why wouldn't a kid think just make it smaller ie. into a pistol and have it be just as deadly? I realize that there are a ton of reasons why it wouldn't work in real life but we are fighting zombies here I can make a smaller version of a cannon work as a pistol.

Just in case you don't think a cannon at close range can kill a zombie check out this video of one shooting through a car fender. Potato Cannon   I thought these wold be perfect weapons for kids to make and use in the story, I know it's Arkansas and something like 1 in 7 moves has a gun in it but this was just a lot more fun to have and since you can load it with just about anything and soot it I thought it was a perfect weapon.
I wanted waffles. As I was talking about the last chapter food is a big subject and when you don't have it you wish you did. I have cooked frozen burritos on a camp fire before and it never turned out good, at least not without aluminum foil. I was simply carrying on the theme that the food situation was bad. 

The Black Truck is the personification of the evil that men do in this story. Again in this chapter they make an appearance and you wonder what they are up to. That mystery of not knowing what they are doing I tried to keep for as long as I could in the story because what you imagine is almost always fare worse than what is really happening.

Face it, with zombies you know they are going to try to eat you. One on one or even up to three or four on one you might have a chance of getting away from that mindless evil get them in a group and they become far more dangerous with the swarm effect of ants attacking an enemy. Starvation is an enemy but it can be fought in a dozen different ways if you have the knowledge how. Animals can be a problem but they can be dealt with, especially in an urban ares like our couple where the bigger animals haven't moved into yet. Their is a big difference between a chipmunk  attack and a black bear attack. But man is the dangerous predator because he thinks like you do and if you can think of a horror to inflict on another so can he. To me that is one of the things that makes the Black Truck in this story the more dangerous element, over the weather, the starvation and the zombies. We know they will kill for no apparent reason and we know they are doing something but what the hell is it? I love the suspense.    

Hot-wiring cars, who hasn't wanted to do that? I see them do it in the movies all the time and it looks easy. It probably is but it's illegal so I have never tried. I'm a good citizen like that. It's something I had to think about for a long time, all the elements involved. Our hero as a web designer has some electronics in his background so that was to his advantage but it's still not something he does every day. By the design of their plan he was going to need to move thousands of cars. Hot-wiring is a skill he desperately needed.   

Zombie Hookers! This was inspired by local events I just changed them into zombies. Let me explain before you jump to conclusions. The service road along I-630 is a very open and visible road so although I am certain it has happened their before seeing a hooker work along the service road isn't a common sight. I thought it was a good bit though -hooker, service road, get it?

Actually what inspired this was an odd occurrence during my bike rides. I love to ride along the Arkansas River Trail. The trail travels 26 miles around the city through several parks and wooded areas along with spots near tourist spots where you can drink, eat & shop. One of those spots is the Clinton Presidential Library, Or as we call it, the Double Wide, since it looks like a double wide trailer, fitting for Arkansas.

The parking lot WAS filled with trees and promised to be a large shaded area for visitors to park under when visiting. The problem was that the trees blocked the view of the security cameras. For some reason it became a thing when people realized this for johns to get a blowjob in the parking lot of the library. A lot of the guys would smoke a cigar while it happened.

On Saturday or Sunday morning when I would start my ride at the library parking lot I would see a lot of men getting serviced in the parking lot. Shortly before I wrote that scene with the service road hooker I had gone on a ride and seen yet again one of these moments so I had to add it to the book.

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