Thank you Lemmy.
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
ZWD: Motorhead and the SOL
When I was writing the book ZWD: King of an Empty City I had a soundtrack that ran through my head most of the time. The main band was Motorhead. I named a group of kids after their lead singer; the SOL Sons of Lemmy. He was an important influence to this book. His music, the songs energy set the pace of the action going on in my head.
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
ZWD: Inside Chapter 20
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First off a Little TCB.
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I think it's a magical scene, the car alarm attack. My editor wanted me to take this out but it scared my brother so it stayed. He doesn't scare easily, so I knew when I sent him that chapter and he called me up saying that scared the crap out of him, I had something. Since then several readers have written me and said while they were reading it it happened to be storming and set the mood perfectly or the power went out and while reading by candle light something went boom at the right moment or my favorite; another brother was waiting on his wife to get off work and he had to lock the doors while he read in the car, you know, to be safe. He forgot about her and when she banged on his window to get him to unlock the door and he about jumped through the roof. Yep I like that scene.
If you have read the book, please write a review. Good or bad. The more reviews the book has, the higher it goes in the Amazon matrix and if there are a lot of reviews, they will promote the book so I don't have to as much.
Looking for hope with new friends. the SOL & Shaun. Finding an ally in any difficult situation is always a great thing and when our couple are introduced to the SOL, they see new hope in their bleak world. Now you as a reader probably looked at this and said, kids! How can there be hope in kids? What can they do? How stupid is this? I thought the same things. I honestly had no idea how a child shall lead them. But I thought it was worth exploring. Shaun was also a risk for them because Grandpa threatened to kill them earlier. But I had an idea in my head about Shaun's family, so I knew it would work with them.
The SOL represented a group effort, a collective, like ants working together to gather food. These kids knew they needed each other and they wanted the guidance of an adult, that's why they exposed themselves to our heroes. In my mind, they knew of plenty of adults who were around but none of them were doing much in the way of thriving, they were all just surviving and the SOL wanted to get things done, to create stability.
Several years ago I saw this report about rogue elephants, 3 teenage bulls were terrorizing their area and authorities didn't know what to do about them. They were big bullies who killed cattle, rhinos, destroyed crops, homes and anything else they got around. They had never been in a herd and basically had no idea how to be elephants. Nearby park authorities had an older bull that had recently lost his herd to lion attacks and poaching, so they drugged him and brought him into the 3 teens area. The first encounter was fantastic. They charged up to him and he basically stared them down and said in elephant; "Don't make me whack your pee-pee." Over the next few weeks he taught them how to be elephants again. That's what I saw our heroes doing, not the pee-pee whacking, but the teaching of these kids how to be adults, how to be leaders, how to be the people they would need to be. What's that saying? "Be the person to your kids you needed when you were one."
Shaun, I've talked a little about his past in another post in this series. He was a Wanna-be-Thug, a Gangsta but if you were to go into his bedroom, you would find posters of Spider-man, Dr Doom and Green Lantern ( the Guy Gardner one) if you're a geek you know just what that means. His family was educated despite grandpa's temperament. Uncle Andrew was a professor. But as I have pointed out, they are not in modern times they are all living in a modern society that has broken down so like so many people you don't see in this story, they are holed up trying to let this crisis pass them by. Then our Heroes show up and invite them to make that change. The nature of Shaun's family is if you ask for help they will give it, they won't go out of their way to do so, but if you ask they will help and that's what our heroes end up doing to them.
The SOL represented a group effort, a collective, like ants working together to gather food. These kids knew they needed each other and they wanted the guidance of an adult, that's why they exposed themselves to our heroes. In my mind, they knew of plenty of adults who were around but none of them were doing much in the way of thriving, they were all just surviving and the SOL wanted to get things done, to create stability.
Several years ago I saw this report about rogue elephants, 3 teenage bulls were terrorizing their area and authorities didn't know what to do about them. They were big bullies who killed cattle, rhinos, destroyed crops, homes and anything else they got around. They had never been in a herd and basically had no idea how to be elephants. Nearby park authorities had an older bull that had recently lost his herd to lion attacks and poaching, so they drugged him and brought him into the 3 teens area. The first encounter was fantastic. They charged up to him and he basically stared them down and said in elephant; "Don't make me whack your pee-pee." Over the next few weeks he taught them how to be elephants again. That's what I saw our heroes doing, not the pee-pee whacking, but the teaching of these kids how to be adults, how to be leaders, how to be the people they would need to be. What's that saying? "Be the person to your kids you needed when you were one."
Shaun, I've talked a little about his past in another post in this series. He was a Wanna-be-Thug, a Gangsta but if you were to go into his bedroom, you would find posters of Spider-man, Dr Doom and Green Lantern ( the Guy Gardner one) if you're a geek you know just what that means. His family was educated despite grandpa's temperament. Uncle Andrew was a professor. But as I have pointed out, they are not in modern times they are all living in a modern society that has broken down so like so many people you don't see in this story, they are holed up trying to let this crisis pass them by. Then our Heroes show up and invite them to make that change. The nature of Shaun's family is if you ask for help they will give it, they won't go out of their way to do so, but if you ask they will help and that's what our heroes end up doing to them.
Womanly things and Ashley. I needed a nurse, that's why Ashley is a nurse. Well, that and there are a lot of nurses here in Little Rock. I think we have seven hospitals in town, so that's a lot of nurses. It makes sense, that she could easily have been a nurse. I was recently asked about why she was a nurse.
The wife and I were talking one night about the story and how in movies they never show someone going to the bathroom unless it's for comic or horrific effect. She then said they never address a woman's period in these stories. This got me to thinking, if stores were looted would feminine hygiene products be a prized item? If they were, where else could you find them if stores had been looted? The answer drove right up to me as two teenage girls stopped their car and asked to pet my Great Danes. Homes with teen girls would have tons of products. My wife confirmed this and for a short time we had foster girls in our home and now I can confirm this, ton's of products. It made sense to me that homes where women or teen girls lived would be the place to scavenge for such things so that's what they did when they met Ashley.
The wife and I were talking one night about the story and how in movies they never show someone going to the bathroom unless it's for comic or horrific effect. She then said they never address a woman's period in these stories. This got me to thinking, if stores were looted would feminine hygiene products be a prized item? If they were, where else could you find them if stores had been looted? The answer drove right up to me as two teenage girls stopped their car and asked to pet my Great Danes. Homes with teen girls would have tons of products. My wife confirmed this and for a short time we had foster girls in our home and now I can confirm this, ton's of products. It made sense to me that homes where women or teen girls lived would be the place to scavenge for such things so that's what they did when they met Ashley.
The raccoon- skipping over clues, poor foreshadowing, Actually I don't think it was poor foreshadowing I think it was rather clever to not point it out with a big sign that said CLUE, HERE IS A CLUE! If you haven't read the book, I won't go into details, but spoiler alert, I give a clue about what's coming. And no the raccoon isn't the clue.
The raccoon is just a raccoon. For those in the world who are not familiar with them they are nasty, vile, mean creatures that people in the south, living out in the country like to keep as pets for some reason. I've known several families that have had them as pets. The one in the story just happened to have broken into this house and set up a home of it's own. I put it in the story for a little bit of suspense.
The raccoon is just a raccoon. For those in the world who are not familiar with them they are nasty, vile, mean creatures that people in the south, living out in the country like to keep as pets for some reason. I've known several families that have had them as pets. The one in the story just happened to have broken into this house and set up a home of it's own. I put it in the story for a little bit of suspense.
I think it's a magical scene, the car alarm attack. My editor wanted me to take this out but it scared my brother so it stayed. He doesn't scare easily, so I knew when I sent him that chapter and he called me up saying that scared the crap out of him, I had something. Since then several readers have written me and said while they were reading it it happened to be storming and set the mood perfectly or the power went out and while reading by candle light something went boom at the right moment or my favorite; another brother was waiting on his wife to get off work and he had to lock the doors while he read in the car, you know, to be safe. He forgot about her and when she banged on his window to get him to unlock the door and he about jumped through the roof. Yep I like that scene.
Friday, December 4, 2015
Wrestler Joey Ryan finishes off opponent using his penis
Yes you read that right. This is why I love Wrestling. They do things like this and the crown just buys into it with what it is presented as, theater. Now this guy will have a legend to work with, it should be interesting to see how his legend "Grows".

Wrestler Joey Ryan finishes off opponent using his penis
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