Monday, November 30, 2015

ZWD: Inside Chapter 19

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“Where are all the lights?” I was watching some doomsday show and they pointed out a very sobering fact. If the nations electrical grid fails for what ever reason we have, in a split second, gone from a civilization greater than any seen on the earth before to glorified cavemen. Cities like NYC, Boston, Paris, London, etc even little old Little Rock would become immobile, no phones, tv, wi-fi, food in grocery stores would rot quickly (about a week), no lights, If you look at all the things that take electricity to run we wold be basically screwed.  

The ladder no longer electrified. their electrified ladder, their greatest security on the roof, gone. They are vulnerable, open, exposed even hidden on that roof. They have a shovel and an Ice Pike to protect themselves. Without the electrified ladder they are very poor cave people.

Fire. Right now if you had to could you make a fire from scratch and keep it going for hours, days? Growing up for years off and on I was in the boy scouts and was an avid camper and I never mastered the art of making a fire from scratch. A little smoke, a spark but never got a flame blazing, not without a lighter. I slept many a night cold. When they power goes out in the city our couple have a sobering moment when they realize just how lucky they have had it till now. Thankfully the power comes on again but if it had stayed off or goes off the next time and never comes back on they are thrown back into the cave era.  

Barrett M107 .50 caliber sniper rifle & internet searches. I have said earlier that my father was a marksman and a Marine, on days when he would babysit me as a small child to give me a puzzle to put together he would hand me an M-16 and we would take it apart then I would put it back together. Sometime we would go out and shoot it afterwords. That being said I do not have any guns, I don't particularly like them. I also don't have anything against them, I simply choose not to have one. So I am not a big gun guy. I had to do a search to find the two sniper riffles in this story just to get something close to true. The Barrett are apparently very popular among gun people. That's why I gave them to the Page family.

The Page family back story. I really wanted to do more with the Page family. I had it in mind early that their would be a family of preppers who just missed it. All that preparation and damned the luck they messed it up.

The pages were a family that complexly bought into the be prepper philosophy. They had food stashed away in a storage unit as well as under their house in the crawl spaces. Everyone in the family did some kind of training for fire starting, water purification, curing meat, basically if it involved survival on ones own or in a family group they practiced. As our boy guesses the Page family had an underground shelter covered by a trailer on a plot of land they had off the Sweetwater Cutoff road going south on Asher (HWY-367). I know it doesn't matter where that is actually it was just in my mind. In fact I had it in my mind that if they had looked around more they would have found a treasurer trove of survival gear and enough food to last them the winter. However they did not look closely enough. It would have been my luck that that would have happened to me.

Now the fate of the Page family is about what our boy guessed. The outbreak occurred and while one of the kids was at school someone turned or got bitten and it spread fast through the school. When the kids got home one of them was "Sick" and as they looked on knowing what was about to happen they still couldn't believe it and the kid turned then went on a biting spree, getting mommy first who called the rest fo the kids to her and then turned and bit them. Mr. Page himself was just too overcome with emotion to think straight. He ended up trying suicide but when he used a crossbow pistol instead of a real pistol he messed that up and slowly turned into a zombie. When we meet him he has a slight shred of himself left and, well we see what happened.      

the church notebook. This was a running theme in the original tweets that never really took off in the book. The original tweet Idea was that they our heros would be in one part of the city, living on the roof and another group of people they would hook up later. The notebook would be, at first how they would communicate as they feel each other out. They would shoot a single shot in the air to let the other group know they had responded. Naturally the idea came about that a third group would hear the shot and read all the correspondence and pretend to be one of the other two and basically ambush a group and start bad blood between groups who would eventually team up and fight the third group. But as is the case with some stories it never happened because the story did not go that way. In the end the notebook never really did much but to introduce the SOL.

The SOL Sons of Lemmy. Believe me, when you want an acronym finding the words for the letters isn't easy, at least for me. I wanted to call them the S.O.L. much the same way as in Frank Millers the Dark Knight Returns when the kids all start calling themselves Sons of Batman (SOB) and I wanted to bring in a musical element to their title. It was just luck that day that my playlist started playing Motorhead and I thought to myself Lemmy, Sons of Lemmy. I wanted to do a lot of things with the kids but the story dictated otherwise. I rewrote their first encounter several times and settled on the simplest where they boys thought that calling themselves Sons of Lemmy would somehow strike fear into the hearts of men and never really considering two things. One if you don't know who Lemmy is then its not very tough sounding and your not afraid of them. Two if you do know who Lemmy is your a metal head and you think these guys are cool just for coming up with the name and your not afraid of them.  

Heroes Wall- This just seemed to be an organic thing that needed to grow on it's own. Her gesture with respects to the dead seemed like one of those memorials you see on the sidewalk after a horrific shooting and over the next few days flowers, beads, photos and other things appear as people pay their respects. But because their were so many dead and funerals were a little out of the questions because of the attention they would bring it seemed organic to me that people would bring their dead after seeing someone else come up with a way of showing respect.    

Shaun. I was asked recently if this was a nod to the movie Shaun of the Dead. No it is not. Shaun is from a short story I wrote many years ago that started this mess. In that story Shaun was a punk kid named Shaun-tee. He was a wannabee gang banger but he was just too smart for his own good so he never really got into it, instead he got into collage and . . . well his story isn't finished yet. I brought him into the story one as a way to keep the crossover between stories going and two I needed another neighborhood family so I thought I would explore his a little.

I have to say it gave me a lot of ideas about Shaun and his uncle Andy who we meet in this story. because of what I have written in ZWD I now have an idea about what went on in Shaun's life between his first appearance in my mind and this one. Hopefully I will be able to tell that story in a few years.    

Saturday, November 21, 2015

ZWD: Fan Review - not typical!

D. says this was well thought out and not typical!
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Friday, November 20, 2015

Superstars Stable 5

Stable 5
Davy Boy Smith
Robert Gibson
Ricky Morton
Robert Gibson 02
Ricky Morton 02
Brian Adias 02
Bret Heart
Denis Condrey
Bobby Eaton 02
Buddy Landell

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

ZWD: Inside Chapter 18

You can get your copy of the book here at these fine stores. 
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or you can add it yourself to our Facebook page.

The Black Truck and a zombie parade. In comparison to the three hunters the guys from the last chapter, in the black truck they were actual hunters, predators,  and they could read the signs that our hero had been there recently. Not that they were hard to read he did cut heads off. So he goes from possibility being found by the zombies to being found by the Black Truck people. It raises the question which one is actually worse? 

A lot of questions like that presented themselves in this short chapter. It kind of gets to that point doesn't it? Even in life, you go from day to day and not much changes then something does change and you have to decide how you will react, how you will adopt, how you will stand and on what side of that issue be it Coke or Pepsi or some greater more important issue.    

A moral quarrel, This discussion between our two hero's I think not only shows this but also I think shows just how much ahead of him she is in adopting to the new world. And it's always going to be that way someone will adopt to things and move on much faster than another person. The other person will not accept change and cling to the "old ways" with some bit of nostalgia for something that was familiar and comfortable but actually nothing like they remember it. 

I suppose being a military brat, moving around so much I can at this age look back with some retrospection and see how quickly I and other brats adopted to change while others who never lived that gypsy lifestyle and barely moved from their comfort zone had a much harder time when change occurred. I don't know, it's a debate that can go on for a long time and in many different directions. 

Our hero's however in their debate shows my perspective fairly well. She has decided to move forward and he is still trying to hand on to a humanity that will get him killed. I believe we can say she has not become vicious or cold blooded but practical and stronger than him. Which reflects something I believe strongly, women are stronger than men. Perhaps not in physical strength but in everything else women are stronger. 

Although this is written as his diary of events I think we can see that as the story goes on he is not so much the hero but the sidekick with a moral dilemma between the new and the old. She is forging on and he is struggling.   

The combination  to the gun safe. Can you imagine their frustration earlier when he realized the page family were doomsday preppers and they had a gun safe but they couldn't find the combination to the damned thing? She absentmindedly stuffs a piece of paper into her pocket and forgets about it only to look at it later to realize it's the combination? 

What a common human action. I know I do it all the time, pick up things and forget I had them. punch an important number into my phone only t forget to add the name. My world is mapped out by sticky notes surrounding my monitor, stuffed in my wallet and plastered on the bathroom mirror when it's really important. 

Right now on my desk I have a note that simply says 11078, I have no idea what it means, where it came from or anything. It's not in my handwriting so one of my coworkers thought it was important and stuck it there, eventually someone will say something to me and it will all make since. But for now. 11078 is a mystery.   

Thursday, November 5, 2015

ZWD: Inside Chapter 17

You can get your copy of the book here at these fine stores. 
Once you have your copy send us a photo of you with it. We'll add it to our fan photo gallery. 
or you can add it yourself to our Facebook page.

Run Rabit Run the imagery, the dream. We ended up cutting out pages and pages of the dream sequences. I have to give my editor, Charlee Redman, credit for suggesting they go because it really improved the pace of the story. What you missed in those sequences was really noting important. I had in my mind that our hero would have these dreams where his two childhood friends were helping him and hunting him at the same time. They would try to heard him towards a giant yellow stickpin balloon, his destination, and they kept telling him to go past it, that that was his real destination. A kind of reach your goal and exceed it metaphor. It was really stupid, some great scenes in there but it all slowed the story down and kind of got you lost. There was a running theme to the dreams based on the song Fox on the Run by the 1970's band Sweet although I think I was thinking more of the Scorpions cover of the same song. If I remember right it popped up in my play list and I thought I have to use this in the story. Then we cut it all out. 

Bobby Morgan & Jim Grider on a blowgun hunt
showing off their catch Brandon Grider Jim's son. 
The history of Dylan and Stager. This one is kind of complicated and really simple at the same time. I needed character names for these two best friends. Dylan came about because the playlist started playing a Bob Dylan tune and I thought that's one name I'll call the guy Dylan. Stager was almost named after Bob Seger but I had already put in the Page family after Jimmy Page so I tried to do a double meaning and called him Stager. A stager is an old acting term I think from the time of Shakespeare, it's someone who is a veteran of the stage who runs the play during a performance. Both these guys are veterans in their backstory but I had in mind that Stager was the older, wilder of the two and he would be frustrated with our boy because he just didn't get what they were trying to tell him.       

These two are actually based on two very good childhood friends of mine, Bobby Morgan and Jim Grider. Much like the history of Dylan and Stager these two were adventurers always out in the woods and I was the guy they let tag along. I could tell volumes of stories about our exploits but I wont.

I guess I should explain the photo though. Jim got a blowgun from somewhere and for weeks we three tried to master the art of blowgun hunting. We all got pretty good at hitting a Styrofoam cup at about 10 feet away. After mastering that kill we moved down to the Mississippi River and started using trees as targets. Brandon, Jim's son went along with us and they posed for that pic like big game hunters. Brandon was not hurt by the blowgun, at least that time.  

The three hunters. These guys I thought were good Imagery for several reasons. One the idea of three guys going off to find the Black Truck or zombies or whatever they were hunting seemed noble. The idea of the three coming back as zombies spoke well to just how unprepared they were. I make this even more apparent when our boy goes through their belonging and finds shells and bullets that don't match the guns they were carrying.   

In contrast our boy being trapped under a bush and how he had to control his breathing as a zombie heard strolled past him says a lot about how prepared he was. With no weapons he had to count on his cunning and skill to stay alive just under their feet. They went into the situation blind or ignorant and died while he was from pure experience surviving the heard with noting but what he had already learned. I thought it was a moment that showed just how far he had come from a guy who makes so many mistakes. He's still making them at this point just on a grander scale and not a personal one.   

Decking for a garden & putting things back as they were.  I believe I have already talked about resources but think about this for a moment. If you where you are now in the world had to build something to keep you alive and you didn't have easy access to simple building materials from a hardware store where would you get them? I thought of someones back deck, privacy fencing, kicking out sheet rock and pulling studs from old homes. Tons of places in an old home could be salvaged it would just take some creativity.

This again got into that survival thing from YouTube where people show how to survive. I saw one show where a car breaks down in the middle of nowhere and it's getting dark. The guy took a knife and sliced up the seats using the cushions to insulate himself. took the tires off and burned them so the black smoke caused a plumb for rescuers to see. hubcaps were used to collect and melt snow. I would not have thought of half of that stuff and there were a ton of other things he did to survive. What would you have done? 

Monday, November 2, 2015

Superstars Stable 03 & 04

Stable 3Stable 4
Road Warrior HawkThe Crusher
Mike RotondaVern Gagne
StingBobby The Brains Heenan
Keven SullivanCurt Henning
The War LordSteve Keirn
Steve Dr Death WilliamsStan Lane
Barry WindhamSteve Olsonoski
Sheik Adnan el KaiseeSteve Regal
King Kong BrodyBrad Rhiengans
Screamin Norman SmileyBilly Robins